Rumble Fighter Unleashed Download

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2020-4-4  Astro exploits Post Astro exploits for games from Ogplanet such as rumble fighter, lost saga, lunia, la tale, redstone and zone4 in this section.

Had this incredible force of English nature that you're reading now on the Greenlight page, and it seems to have been taken away from this one. So, to rival that, I'm reposting this here while revising it a little.Thinking about joining Rumble Fighter?

I reccomend reading that wall of text down there to get an idea of whether you'll have fun with this game or if you can deal with it's shortcomings. Of course if you don't want to, I can understand, s'lotta words.Right off the bat, I would like to say that Rumble Fighter is not Pay-to-win. Due to the increasingly large amount of items you can obtain without paying anything out of pocket, it is entirely possible to play the game, have a good time, and even get pretty skilled at it without dropping any money on it. If you find yourself wanting something that can only be bought with real money, you can always trade for it, though you may want to consult the list of trusted traders on the forums. ( ) That being said, Rumble Fighter is most definitely 'Pay for a better chance,' though I've seen people use the bare minimum and still beat those using high stats and powerful items.If you were to join the game and have no idea what to expect from it, there would, without a doubt, be a huge learning curve right up front. Speaking from experience, it takes quite some time just to get half decent at the game. Once you learn HOW to do some of the more complicated things like Drop juggles, Bounce up (BU) juggles, Advanced Nanmu juggles, and crazy things like the vast majority of 'moon tricks' (which are usually comprised of numerous jump kicks and end with a ram) there really isn't going to be much learning.

It's going to be full of practice matches and lots of salt.The Community - A majority of the community that surrounds Rumble Fighter is toxic. Just putting it out there, plain and simple. There are a good bunch of people that aren't actually etlitists or trolls, so if you find someone you can get along with, play with them. You might not find another cool person for a month to come.The Censor - There is an in-game censor that applies to most swears. If you deliberately, or accidentally type something vulgar out with two connecting words, it will replace the letters with 'usually' a fruit name, sometimes Marshmallow or Candy Corn. It's very straight forward and will censor things in the middle of a word that just so happen to contain a vulgar word, for example: Look at that skyscraper.

It will read the word Skyscraper and replace the letters R, A, P, and E, so it will come out, 'Look at that skyscappler.' People usually use shortened versions of vulgar words, numbers in place of letters, or acronyms to bypass this censor. Another way to help rid yourself of the censor on a word is to press the & key before one of the letters of a vulgar word.

This will underline the next letter and thus cancel the censor. Pretty useful if you spot something that would be accidentally censored.The Meta - Like any other good, bad, or semi-decent fighting game, there's a meta to the game. Things like juggling, resets, and frame-traps are common. Unique to this game, there are things like:1) Airgrabbing - Basically self defined. Grabbing while in mid-air to gain more mobility in the air allowing for extra jumps or use of exocore skills before you land to catch someone off guard.2) Infinite Juggling/Combos - In Rumble Fighter, people will often DT to infinitely juggle one person and allow the target to do nothing about it, seeing as they are in the air. Less common, but still annoying is the Stun infinite. There is a certain attack that some scrolls have that stun the opponent and let them slowly fall to the ground.

After landing this attack, they will use a certain exocore, called Thunderstorm Charger, to basically pick you back off the ground in a stunned animation, allowing them to do another stun, thus starting the infinite loop.3) Magnet - Typically after either a counter or a panic attack, one player may grab, seemingly at nothing, but still connects with the other player from a large distance away. This magnet can also be experienced with certain exocores with a dashing attack.4) The Three Hit Rule - After someone has been launched into the air, players will normally do these two single punches that keep an opponent in the air before finishing the juggle off with a 'punisher' (Usually the longest combo that the scroll has to offer). When an opponent leaves the ground, the three hit rule allows for 3 seperate 'combos' 2 of which are usually single punches, third being a punisher, to be executed from the same player.

People bypass this by either using a seperate combo and somehow changing back into the single punches, or by having someone else jump in and do a combo on the juggled player.5) NHAA Rooms - Rooms where people state, 'No hitting at all,'(NHAA) on a moving screen map. Normally, the rule of not hitting is never held true, but regardless, if you at least survive the three rounds, you're rewarded with a much higher EXP and Carat payout than a normal match. (Assuming you didn't absolutely dominate that 'normal match') People who like to get a little extra from these rooms tend to join together and drain each other to gain a slight boost in both EXP and Carat. The people who are against NHAA's on the other hand, like to join together and start 'crashing' the room by killing all who oppose them. Typically, these people like to kick everyone from the room afterwards.6) Lingo - A lot of the community adheres to a common lingo. Typically these are either just shortened words or just acronyms that a player will use to get a rise out of another. List of common lingo just below.

ez - Pretty obvious duq / duck - Refusing to 1v1 someone mag - Stands for magnet. As stated earlier, it's when one player grabs when you're standing seemingly out of range, but still get grabbed. op - Pretty obvious exo / exoing - Typically refers to an ExoCore as a noun, but can be used as an verb defining when someone activates theirs.

btop - Refers to the Black Top Melee map. Often used as a 1v1 map, though the new Dojo map is better for it. glac / cove - Refers to the Glacier Cove map.

edge / edging - Refers to the act of beating an opponent until they fall off the map. spare - Typically used by people playing on the Third Rock map. Refers to the act of intentionally NOT edging.

bu - Refers to a type of juggle that can move up onto another platform. drop - Refers to a type of juggle that goes down to another platform. adv. Refers to a type of juggle that utilizes your nanmu in the middle of the punisher of a juggle. Only certain scrolls can do it, and every one is different, though some are similar.

nanmu - A special ability given to a player at level 15 after they complete Survival mode 3 times. This ability consists of a very quick dash forward with a blue effect followed by a series of attacks based on your scroll. This cannot be done with an ExoCore activated and is activated by pressing the V key (By default) and spamming your Punch key which is X by default. Keep in mind, you can only use this once per round, though it can be used at any time, so long as you're not recovering from an attack. saver - A special ability given to players who make it to level 25 and buy the Rebirth item choosing Saver.

This ability allows a player who falls to the ground to stand up immediately and return to the fight. This skips the recovery attacks you're given access to while down. To activate it, press your Punch and Guard keys as you hit the ground. dt - Refers to the act of two players ganging up on another. Stands for 'double team' pot - Typically refers to the use of a Health Potion. This is looked down upon in 1v1's.

x2 - Refers to an item that gives players an extra panic attack on top of their default amount. (For players under level 15, it's 2. Thereafter is 1) This is looked down upon in 1v1's. backguard - Items that go on a player's back to guard attacks from behind them. rev / wings / halo - Refers to an item that gives a player the ability to automatically return to the fight after being ringed out. These are only really useful in battle mode.

They are looked down upon in Moonlight Valley rooms as well as Third Rock rooms. rare - Refers to a Skill Item that is not available in the shop as a buyable item. Typically these are much more powerful items, save for a small few. levi - A glitch that lets your character fly the the air in a straight line. Most of the time, this is by accident and leads to the player's death. It's easily replicated by jumping up and over a small platform and timing your jump kick when you would normally land while you're over nothing.

lj - Stands for Low Jump. What people have turned into a mechanic is a little exploit that lets you jump really low by pressing your spacebar twice in rapid succession while your character finishes recovering from an action. To practice, it's been found easiest to do while your character recovers from holding up their guard by letting go of the guard key and then quickly tapping the spacebar twice. infi - When two players work with each other to infinitely juggle another. reset - Some scrolls have the ability to infinitely juggle with precise inputs. There aren't many that can do it, and it takes really good timing and skill, but can definitely be impressive to those that see it in an actual match.Most Scrolls and ExoCores have their own shortened version of their name so people can fit them into discussion with the very limited amount of space given to type out on.

I'm not going to type a whole list of every Scroll and ExoCore in the game, but I'll give a few examples of what is and is not shortened. Might give you an idea of how it typically goes.Drunken Master - DMMuay Thai - MTMuay Boran - BoranThunder Blades - TBIce Breaker - IBViper - ViperBoxing - BoxingMystic Arts - MystThe Maps - Most games that you play the PvP of in Rumble Fighter will involve juggling someone until they end up over a pit and you let them drop into said pit. 80% of Fights in Rumble Fighter will end in edging. The few that don't are people calling others out and fighting 1v1 in an edgeless map.

Most of the maps are catered around edges and the few that don't are used in 1v1's. People, if offended and feel they can beat you, will call you out and tell you to 'Btop' them. The most common map for 1v1's is Black Top (Oddly enough). Although it does have edges, no one gets too close to them to end up using them.

Each player may have a favourite map, some allowing for different tricks. Common maps include:-Moonlight Valley-Third Rock-Dos Palmas-Glacier Cove-Demolition-Reverse Demolition (For NHAA rooms)Events - There's a lot of events that go on in Rumble Fighter that give out free to semi-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, sometimes rare items, other times pointless ones that no one uses (Devil Wings). Most of the more main and 'professional' events, hosted by our delightful friends over at RedFox, are shown in-game and will be pretty obvious when things change, (For example, consumables changing into red bags for an event) Some of the more obscure events will be shown on the RedFoxwebsite ( ) Common events include:-Attendance - Item a day, get's better as it goes along, typically.-Spenders - Spend a bunch of money on Rumble Fighter (Not always a good idea) and get other items according to how much you spent. Better and more rare items tend to come with a high price.-Sales - Pretty self explanatory, some items will either cost less or you'll get other items for buying certain items.-'Happy Hour' - Be online at a certain time and get items. Boxes used to be in these items, but have recently been very scarce.-Throwdowns - Fight against GM's and RM's. Though these aren't very common anymore, as we only have 1 GM that we know of, they used to be what everyone was all about.Suggestions - In Rumble Fighter, you can suggest items for the game.

May seem pretty straight forward, but I assure you, it's very tedious. When typing out your ideas for these items, you're urged to give specifics, but Nimonix likes to change things. You may say, 'I want this item to cost this much and be permenant.' Nimonix may take that into consideration, but they're allowed to change it as much as they want. Common changes include-Price-Permanancy-Damage Values (Scrolls and Exocores)-Special EffectsBoxes - A lot of things that many people (Myself included) hate, is when they advertise something very nice looking and everyone wants it and 'Box' it. To 'Box' an item is to make it only acquirable through a box that contains random items plus the item you want.

Permanant items that come from these boxes that are very saught after are commonly referred to as 'Rares'. Boxes that contain rares have always costed real money, so if you don't have access to buying In-game currency, have fun trying to get rares from events. Also, rares can come out of a box as a 'timed' item, meaning that it can only be used for a set amount of time after being activated.Trades - There's no In-game trade system in Rumble Fighter. Trading in Rumble Fighter is handled through gifting things to other people and a LOT of trust issues. It's highly advised to only trade with trusted players (which there is a page for on the forums and listed at the top of this page). If you just can't wait and you are able to trade someone else, keep these things in mind when doing so.-Trader Level - If the person you're trading is higher level, it may give you an incentive to trust them a bit more.-'Popularity' - If the person you're trading seems like someone everyone knows, it may help you trust them a bit more. (Just know people can get friends to pretend like they're popular)-Trade Agreements - Something that you can screenshot to give visual evidence that someone is a legit trader or not.

These typically involve both players stating, 'I agree to trade this for that on this day.' Sadly, if you are scammed, there isn't much that can be done about it besides let the rest of the community know about them. Before trading someone, do yourself a favor and check their name in the community marketplace on the forums.Servers - Not going to pull any punches on this one. The netcode and general servers for Rumble Fighter are pretty awful for the most part. If you play the game for at least an hour, you will see more than one person talk about how the game lags. The lag in this game tends to either make someone Gmode (Make them invincible), start teleporting everywhere, or just disappear altogether. It's usually because of the servers just being overall crap (Compared to other games), but sometimes, lag can be deliberate and forced upon others, which leads to the next topic.DDoS - Rumble Fighter has been rather prone to DDoS (Dedicated Denial of Service).

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Rumble fighter 2020

People who hate a certain player, hate the publisher, or just hate everyone and are an anti-social ♥♥♥-hat, will go digging with programs unknown and find the respective IP address of their target. After that, well. They disconnect them from their internet provider. This will normally lead to tremendous amounts of lag or disconnect them entirely.Classes - In Rumble Fighter, you're given the option to choose one of 4 different classes when you start. Don't let this concern you too much as the very minor stat differences are the least of your worries. Besides, you can always buy the other ones plus more in the shop later. The main reason you'll be picking your class, honestly, is for the different Scrolls and Exocores that the class gets that no other class can use.

But, for reference, lets go over what each class has. Striker - This class starts with the highest strength and has the highest HP from the 4 you can choose from. It also has the least amount of SP, which means you'll want to choose this if you don't plan on using ExoCores very often. The exclusive ExoCores for this class display raw power whether it be stable or not. This can range from a rocket-powered drill to manhandle people to a giant demonic hand that is slow, heavy, and very powerful. Soul Fighter - Starting with the highest speed, this class ties with Elementalist for the lowest armour rating.

Soul Fighters are ones with nature, as half of their exclusive ExoCores involve transforming into wolves, minotaurs, or sheep. The other half emphasize the speedy and deadly nature of Ninjas and Blades alike. From a simple Katana paired with Shuriken to a Wakizashi imbued with some sort of dark power, Soul Fighters are very quick with their work. Elementalist - The polar opposite of Strikers, Elementalists boast high SP and average speed. With the least amount of strength and tied for the least armour, Elementalists keep themselves alive long enough to call on the power of their ExoCores. As the name suggests, their exclusive ExoCores involve the elements. Things like Fire, Ice, Electricity, or Water.

Alchemist - With the lowest speed and jump height of the starter classes, Alchemists show off their power by taking many hits with their high armour. They're job is to outlast their opponent to win. Their exclusive ExoCores involve summoning suits of armour to wear or machinery to operate. They're the most modern of the bunch being able to also bring guns to a fist-fight. Shaman - You have to buy this class as it's not offered for beginners. Offering average stats all around, Shamans can be very powerful in almost any situation.

The exclusive ExoCores given to them involve nature and witchdoctor-y weaponry. Think of things like Poisonous flowers, a Scythe made from bone, or harnessing the power of beetles. Android - You have to buy this class as it's not offered for beginners. You also have to be level 20 to use it (which is absurd).

With high strength, armour, and HP, Androids have the least amount of speed out of ALL the classes. With minimalistic options for customization, they are easily outclassed by the rest of the classes. The very few amount ExoCores available for this class all involve some sort of high-class technology or lasers.Enchanting - As I said, the minor stat differences of the classes are the least of your worries, because you can buff up their stats through enchanting. Enchanting involves getting gems for the stats you wish to increase (which can be either bought or found in Adventure Mode chests), leveling up those gems with enchant cards, and inserting the gems into any piece of clothing that you have that has a gem slot.

It's very simple, though not every stat can be enhanced like this. You can ehance the following through enchanting:-Strength-Armour-SP-HP-Speed-JumpMost people tend to find clothes that already come with stats they want, then putting more of that stat into the slot. This can give a single piece of clothing the ability to grant something like 16 Armour or 14 Strength.With that, I can say that this sizable display of the English language is at an end.If there is anything else that can be covered that I haven't mentioned in this post, I'd like someone to leave me a message here so I can add to this. Originally posted by:What would you consider to be the most important ones?

All of them are good actually, just shorter them up a bit if you make a video.Nhaa should also included as not recommended. You should of added classes but another guy spoke about it. Well, I'm not really here to give recommendations rather than facts. Still not clear on exactly what I would make the video on. Like, show examples of the 3-hit rule, BU juggles, drop juggles, and other basic information? Besides that, I'll touch up on the classes. Originally posted by:Nice wall of text, but like this game and many other anime MMORPGS I've seen, if you can buy stats or anything that gives you extra benefits compared to f2p players, that is definitely pay to win aspect of the game.

It doesn't matter if you are skilled or not, others have the advantage. Well, with a recent update, strength and armour stats have become obsolete. The way I define 'pay to win' is if a kid with no prior knowledge of the game can pick it up and win due to the items they have, then it's p2w. In RF, you can have the most godly of stats, but if you don't know how to use them, it's pointless and you'll lose anyways.

Originally posted by: All of them are good actually, just shorter them up a bit if you make a video.Nhaa should also included as not recommended. You should of added classes but another guy spoke about it. Well, I'm not really here to give recommendations rather than facts.

Still not clear on exactly what I would make the video on. Like, show examples of the 3-hit rule, BU juggles, drop juggles, and other basic information? Besides that, I'll touch up on the classes. Yea, stuff that will help them on day one. We could see a 1000 peak today and see a 200 or 400 ish tomorrow.Include enchanting as well. Originally posted by:Well, I'm not really here to give recommendations rather than facts.

Still not clear on exactly what I would make the video on. Like, show examples of the 3-hit rule, BU juggles, drop juggles, and other basic information? Besides that, I'll touch up on the classes. Yea, stuff that will help them on day one.

We could see a 1000 peak today and see a 200 or 400 ish tomorrow.Include enchanting as well. Then I realize I actually have no means of creating a video. I'll keep it in mind if I'm able to anytime soon.

A long time ago, the Dark Lord broke the peace treaty with the Gods, and commanded his dark forces to conquer the unsuspecting Rumble Fighter world. The vulnerable Rumble Fighter world was almost immediately taken over by the dark forces. When all hope was lost, a miracle happened!

Powerful heroes chosen by the Gods arrived to defend against the dark forces. The raging battle between the dark forces and heroes went on for so long that it seemed like it would never end. However, the heroes prevailed and finally sealed the Dark Lord.

Peace would finally return to the Rumble Fighter world. However, the great heroes did not have time to enjoy the peace. Dark forces that scattered after the battle are actively attempting to break the seal and rescue the Dark Lord. Thus, the heroes are still out there fighting for the Rumble Fighter world. The heroes united together under an association called 'Guardians'. Every member dedicates each day to training and hunting for dark forces. A long time ago, the Dark Lord broke the peace treaty with the Gods, and commanded his dark forces to conquer the unsuspecting Rumble Fighter world.

The vulnerable Rumble Fighter world was almost immediately taken over by the dark forces. When all hope was lost, a miracle happened! Powerful heroes chosen by the Gods arrived to defend against the dark forces.

The raging battle between the dark forces and heroes went on for so long that it seemed like it would never end. However, the heroes prevailed and finally sealed the Dark Lord.

Rumble fighter unleashed download game

Peace would finally return to the Rumble Fighter world. However, the great heroes did not have time to enjoy the peace. Dark forces that scattered after the battle are actively attempting to break the seal and rescue the Dark Lord. Thus, the heroes are still out there fighting for the Rumble Fighter world.

The heroes united together under an association called 'Guardians'. Every member dedicates each day to training and hunting for dark forces.