Subterfuge In A Sentence

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Short Example Sentence for Subterfuge. 1. It is your own subterfuge that is unpardonable. 2. Drew laughed to himself at the delicious subterfuge of it. 3. The subterfuge no doubt was useful.

German Translation of “subterfuge” The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. Examples of 'subterfuge' in a sentence subterfuge. Example sentences from the Collins Corpus. In ancient times they used disguise and subterfuge, but these modern warriors used an equally disarming trick. Times, Sunday Times (2010). 33 sentence examples: 1. Journalists often use subterfuge to obtain material for stories. The paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature. Sereni was lured to Moscow by subterfuge. He had a sense of subterfuge that was often nearly paralysin.


4. Brett scowled terribly as a subterfuge for laughter.

5. It was a subterfuge to see if you noticed; and you did. 6.

Silence or subterfuge is the only refuge for those who dare not speak frankly. 7. Did not each subterfuge stretch out arms beckoning on some nameless end?. 8. Who could associate shame or subterfuge with tones so charged with merriment?.

9. Here was no question of that trumpery subterfuge of the Wyrons. 10. Was retribution following thus fast because of that subterfuge of Mugwump? How to use Subterfuge in a Sentence?. 1. It goes on for ever by the simple subterfuge of changing a few words in each verse.

2. Since subterfuge had failed, he felt that he had nothing else to rely upon but agility.

3. By the subterfuge I knew who was paying for the woman, though his income was always slender.

4. But Valentina, in her sweet naturalness, thought never of subterfuge or of dalliant wiles. 5. An essential attribute of the boldest and most picturesque of that gentry was the quality of and subterfuge and hypocrisy. 6. The wickedness of subterfuge vanished now that subterfuge was found to be successful in attaining a desired end. 7.


Once more he resorted to subterfuge to find out when she was likely to be coming, and in general she succeeded in outwitting him. 8. He came to my father assuring him that he was poor, which he told me afterwards was only a subterfuge and false pretence. 9. This subterfuge of the Bishop did not change matters at all, because by this time the case had been practically settled. 10. But he had wriggled, he had lied, he had used subterfuge after subterfuge, and so pushed on the evil day of final reckoning. Operation7 register.

11. And there was no mystery, no secret, no subterfuge on the part of Jesus as to the source of his power. 12. By the unfortunate law of the 31st of May 1850 it even tried by a subterfuge to restrict the universal suffrage guaranteed by the constitution.

13. Of course, the greater part of this talk was mere subterfuge to gain time; he had already told Gizzard all he knew. 14. Martin knew that the books he took to bed were mainly a subterfuge to enable Little Billy to keep the light burning.

15. John Barrett and Pulaski Britt had always been too confident of their own power to think subterfuge necessary. 16. In a pursuit of this kind there was no subterfuge too mean, no treachery too base for Sir Rowland Blake. 17. No doubt it was a subterfuge employed to secure princely obedience, very much as the common little boy is brought to time by mention of the ubiquitous bogie man.

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Subterfuge in AZ Dictionary (n) A deceptive stratagem or device: 'the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature” ( Robert Smith Surtees). (n) An indirect or misleading unit or stratagem; a blind. Refers especially to war and politics.

(n) Deception; misrepresentation associated with the true nature of a task. Subterfuge in Community Dictionary whenever a man pulls out and cums on a girls breasts. By Byron Glasco some thing meant to misrepresent the real nature of an action by Fanny To spray your breast milk upon others by Ernest The act of deceiving some one being acheive a goal or acquire something. By Homer Moret one thing done to muzzle a fart. By Hilde Coleman Fucking your shit up from the shadows by Werner Vita.