Starsector Mod Index

admin  01.03.2020  No Commentson Starsector Mod Index

2020-3-28  The purpose of this tutorial is to create sort of a'minimum viable product' when it comes to modding - a simple mod including all of the facets that normally come to mind when one thinks of a Starsector mod. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a mod with a custom ship, weapon, faction, star system, and associated other creations, as well as a passing familiarity with the concepts. 2019-10-9  The mod tries to encourage early exploration and ease later-game traveling, without feeling like a cheat. Once a Gate is activated, the player may travel to any other active Gate for a fuel cost based on the distance traveled. Massive thanks to toast for his inspirational mod, Active Gates, without which this mod would not exist.

Monitors are kind of slow but reasonably good at not exploding, provided their shields are up. They have a habit of drawing enemies away from the main fight and typically require more force than you might expect to off a frigate.

All in all, a fairly reliable distraction.At the very least they can survive getting clipped by a stray tachyon lance, which is all I ask for.They also taught me something about fortress shields: Weapons can be fired the instant fortress shields are deactivated. At first I thought the Monitor could fire with fortress shields up, but what was actually happening was the ship was dropping fort shields just long enough to fire before raising them again. Clever girl.The armor and hull integrity are a joke though, and it can lead to some pretty bullshit moments if they get caught with their pants down. I lost two Monitors in a single engagement against a bounty target and I call hacks on both.The first was the ICV Can't Touch This, which for some reason decided not to raise its shields before engaging a Shade and promptly died in a single salvo.The second, ICV Pulling Aggro, actually survived up until near the end, but was caught in the blast when an enemy Paragon was destroyed and was instantly disabled, despite having its (normal) shields up. It has a small team.

It has regular updates with a lot of content and the game has evolved a lot since it first went into beta. I've been following it since it was called Starfarer and playing the releases on and off since then. I used to be fairly active on the Starsector forums and the guy in charge is probably one of the best indie devs out there; I say that because, while the game has been in development for a long time, I wish all devs were as active, patient, and reliable as the team behind Starsector.

Nothing fishy going on at all, it's just an ambitious project with a dedicated and flexible team behind it.My strategy for enjoying ambitious, incomplete indie games with a long development time:0. Choose an interesting game that is in a playable state with good reviews.1. Pick it up to support the devs and play it, with zero expectation that it will ever be complete. This way you're not actually losing anything if the devs stop supporting it.2. Get bored, put it down, play other things, and revisit it in a year to get a whole new experience.3.

Repeat until it releases.4. Be salty/happy. Starsector has these little moments, where the game is creative enough to spark my imagination to make scenes more awesome.for instance, i was listening to paranoid by black sabbath. I have a legion i've mounted with cheapo heavy mortars and autocannons. Its actually not a bad combo with the gunnery ai i picked up from adventuring.

Anywho, i also have 2 pairs of fighters and bombers, broadswords and piranhas. I have the 'combat chatter' mod which adds a quip from one of your ships at random in the beginning of a fight. In this case it was 'kick the tires and light the fires' from hot shots as the bombers and fighters flooded out of my ship. I immediately targeted the enemy eagle and the wings soared towards the enemy with me shortly behind. With paranoid playing at full tilt, the bombing run went perfectly. The eagle focused on the broadswords and their flares as the piranhas unloaded a wave of bombs that quickly overloaded and damaged the ship a bit. I engaged shortly after, with my 3 main heavy mortars, quickly destroying the can just almost imagine the scene, like from kong: '.static.

echo 1-1-3, this is red talon 0-3-3. Releasing payload.static. payload away.'

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Synapse Audio Software excitedly released their DUNE 2 VST program, vowing that it was “better than ever” following a redesign. Synapse DUNE, the original, was the software creator’s most popular synth, but it was rewritten completely from scratch a short time ago. With a maximum reserve of 8320 oscillators at full polyphony, DUNE 2 is a true unison monster, unlikely to ever run out of oscillators. DUNE 2 is available as VST/AU/AAX plugin for Windows and Mac OS X. The VST/AU version comes in both 32- and 64-bit versions, the ProTools version is 64-bit only. Dune 2 has been superseded by DUNE 3. Dune 2 vst free download full version DUNE 2 is a powerful polyphonic synthesizer that combines VA/subtractive, Wavetable and FM synthesis with an extensive modulation system, named the Differential Unison Engine (DUNE). A unique feature of DUNE 2 is the ability to synthesize a very high number of oscillator voices, regardless of the synthesis model in use.

Test drive unlimited 2 mods. The following characters listed here are collectively in the game's original Factions.

This trope section Needs Wiki Magic Love.

For the community's Nexerelin Factions (Mods) section, it is currently unavailable.

In General (The Domain of Man and its remnants)

All factions

  • Civil War: Most of the factions are at war with each other due to their conflicting goals culminated after the fall of the Domain.
  • Earth That Was: Old Earth was devastated under unknown circumstances long before the Collapse.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: They had the largest expansion in human history, going across to most of the galaxy with the technology reaching Type II in the Kardashev scale. All of this were lost due to the Collapse, when their Portal Network shut down under mysterious circumstances.
  • Portal Network: The Gate System extended throughout the Domain's territory, and its shutdown catalyzed the Collapse.
  • Standard Human Spaceship: Before the Hegemony took hold of the standard ship design, the Domain has the classical ship design in its glory days. Their most advanced ships, like the Paragon battleship and the Aurora cruiser fall into Shiny-Looking Spaceships with Energy Weapons.
  • Standard Sci-Fi Fleet: All ships in any faction (or not at all) fall their own designated ship classes: Fighter, Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser or Capital Ship.

The Persean League

An alliance formed to counter Hegemony domination of the Sector. Members of the League don't necessarily agree on all issues, domestic or otherwise, and may even come into armed conflict with one another. But the League is united when it comes to the Hegemony who they consider to be illegitimately enforcing martial law in the name of the Domain, a dead political entity. The League, by its laws, unites against other external threats such as particularly meddlesome megacorporations, warlords, and the Luddic Path.
  • The Alliance: A coalition of several worlds, formed to defend themselves against the Hegemony's expansionism.
  • Good Republic, Evil Empire: Played with: The League is mostly a group of polities, some of them very authoritarian, that gathered together to fight back against the Hegemony's jingoism out of fear of what happened to Mairaath and the Mayasurans. The League usually forbids interference with the way each of their constituent polities run themselves, they've made some exceptions, like with Mazalot's Luddic rebellion. The Hegemony mostly considers them a small group of petty dictatorships run by the oligarchs of Kazeron, one of their founding members.
  • Proud Merchant Race: Their major advantage against the Hegemony being their large control over the market than them.

The Luddic Church of Galactic Redemption

Inspired by the martyrdom of a figure known as 'Ludd' during the fall of the Domain, the Church of Galactic Redemption is a hierarchical church with highly syncretic dogma formed from a core of Abrahamic texts and apocrypha along with Domain-era reaction against perceived corruption, depravity, hedonism, and transhuman abomination. The Church offers a vision of a life lived more simply, of agrarian virtue and humanistic values and prayer against the violence and technological alienation that's torn the Sector apart in the years since the Fall.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus: Ludd is worshipped as one of God's prophets.
  • Ludd Was Right: They're firm believers of it. Not in the original Ned Ludd, but of a man of the same name who lived just before the Collapse.
  • Technophobia: Ludd's teachings say that the Gates were the worst sin the Human race ever committed, for it allowed the mass exploitation and devastation of God's work. They also say that it was God himself who sealed the gates and caused the Collapse, as punishment for the Domain's sins.
    • Realpolitik: Though based on the snippet on their market, they tend to safeguard tech-savvy merchants from firebrand preachers for the sake of civility within the market district.

The Knights of Ludd

The military branch of the Luddic Church of Galactic Redemption, modeled on monastic warrior societies from previous millennia. In areas of Church domination they are authorized to enforce Technological Correctness as well as ensuring, through force, that virtue is promoted and vice chastised. In areas outside Church domination, when able, they covertly impose the same.
  • Church Militant: Being the military arm of the Luddic Church, they enforce Ludd's teachings throughout the Church's territories. They have also helped the Hegemony in occasions, like the AI Wars.
  • Church Police: Their main role is to enforce the teachings of Ludd in the Church's territory.

The Luddic Path

Starsector Mod IndexThe Luddic Path is a loosely associated category of radical, de-centralized, apocalyptic sects of Luddism that claim a truer interpretation of Ludd's Message. They view the Church as compromised and corrupt, putting worldly ego and comforts before the True Luddic Path in these end-times. The war of Armageddon is NOW and the lines are drawn! Only through forceful righteous action shall Good destroy Evil, and only through violence will the abomination of humanity's hubris and rebellion against God be swept aside in a final act of redemption. Or so they claim. The Luddic Path necessarily finds itself at odds with nearly all other factions in the Sector.
  • Explosive Overclocking: They favor ships with the Safety Overrides mod, which gives them a top speed boost, gives a flux dissipation bonus, and even allows them to keep their shields up while maintaining a zero-flux speed boost. This comes at the cost of shortening their weapon ranges, preventing them from actively venting flux, and reducing their peak performance time by a third. Their strategy is to hit fast and hard so that these drawbacks don't have a chance to actually hinder them.
  • Evil Luddite: They have done reprehensible stuff in the name of Ludd, the Colony Drop on Mairaath is the best known example.
  • Fragile Speedster: Pather-modified ships are faster than their normal counterparts, designed for fast hit-and-run tactics.
  • Knight Templar: Their obsession to destroy anything remotely advanced has turned every faction except the Luddic Church against them. And even the Church thinks they're overdoing it.
  • Medieval Stasis: Their ultimate objective.
  • No True Scotsman: The Pathers dislike Luddic Church for being too compromised on Luddite lifestyles.
  • Suicide Attack: One of their signature tactics is to use fuel tankers modified with weapons and safety override into a headlong assault into a fleet that will unleash massive explosion that destroy nearby ships once it is destroyed.

The Hegemony

The Hegemony is a martial successor state to the Domain formed by a 'lost legion' trapped in a backwater system by the collapse of the Domain gate network. Built upon a creative interpretation of protocols which indefinitely extends Domain-style martial law, the founders of the Hegemony believed that the overriding cause of restoring the Domain and therefore stability, peace, and prosperity to the Sector and indeed the entire galaxy must come before certain niceties of human rights. The survival of humanity is at stake and it is only the discipline of the Hegemony military that protects worlds where some semblance of the normalcy of human civilization can be nurtured. Anything that threatens the Great Cause must be neutralized; if a few activists must be discouraged for the greater good, so be it.
  • The Empire: The largest and most powerful faction in the Sector, with ambitions to eventually restore the Domain of old.
    • Vestigial Empire: They are a remnant of the Domain Navy's Fourteenth Battlegroup, stranded in the Sector after the Collapse.They also lost much of their technology and territory in the First AI War against Tri-Tachyon's rogue AI fleets.
  • Everyone Has Standards: The Hegemony maintains a strict policy with artificial intelligence and how they handle with AI cores distributed across the sector after the technology nearly wiped humanity off the map.
  • House Inspection: The Hegemony will send inspection fleets if you use AI Cores on the planets you own. They can be bribed to keep them away, but if you don't and refuse to let them take the cores, they will turn hostile against your faction.
  • Planet Destroyer: The Hegemony is the only nation in the Persean Sector that still (legally) possesses Planet Killer weapons. One of these was used to destroy the moon Opis, the capital of the original Askonian polity. Another devastated the planet of Hanan Pacha during the Second AI War. In the Kadur Remnant mod, they also used one against the eponymous planet.
  • Standard Human Spaceship: Hegemony ships are between Low Tech and Midline, which are designed in such a way to be considered to be not too advanced or too reversed as the starter faction.

The Sindrian Diktat

The Sindrian Diktat is a polity founded in a relatively recent Hegemony military intervention in the Askonia system led by Admiral Philip Andrada, formerly of the Hegemony Navy. Andrada's Hegemony psych profile describes him as 'intelligent, charismatic, yet prone to narcissistic excess'. In his words, the Diktat was 'formed in the crucible of the Askonia Crisis and with it a new people: a race of humans with emboldened spirit and clarity of purpose: stronger, possessing the will and determination to overcome the divisions and petty parliamentary politics that bred only chaos when tested by the collapse of the Gate System.' Considered by the Sector at large to be a military dictatorship.
  • Defector from Decadence: He mutinied against the Hegemony after either he or a group of rebels (it's not certain) blew up Opis with a Planet Killer.
  • Dangerous Deserter: Philip Andrada used to be a Hegemony admiral, the 'Hero of the Battle of Maxios'.
  • Elite Army: The Lion's Guard, formed by Andrada to defend the Diktat.
  • Red Baron: Both of Andrada's nicknames, the 'Hero of the Battle of Maxios', and 'The Lion of Sindria'.

The Tri-Tachyon Corporation

The most powerful megacorporation in the Sector after the fall of the Domain gate system, Tri-Tachyon specialized in cutting-edge AI development (including several notable cases of violating the Domain ban on autonomous alpha+ level AI) and exotic high-power devices (starship engines and warp drives, power generators, energy converters, forcefields). Since the Collapse, Tri-Tachyon has vastly diversified its operations and insinuated itself throughout the Sector. Even hostile factions, paranoid of hardwired backdoors, find themselves forced to employ standard Tri-Tachyon devices, beginning with the ubiquitous Tri-Pad.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Their Droneships went rogue and tried to destroy the Core Worlds, before they were stopped by the Hegemony and the Knights of Ludd.
  • One Nation Under Copyright: A corporate goal large enough to be considered its own country, to allow advanced robotics to assist them despite their former incidents with AI.
  • Shiny-Looking Spaceships: Tri-Tachyon ships are late Domain designs, that don a deep blue outfit with least amount of gribbles in comparison to most ships. They are also the most advanced faction in the game, making use of long-ranged energy weapons and rare, forbidden technology, like temporal manipulation and teleportation.

The Pirates

Not technically a unified faction but more a loose category of bandits, brigands, deserters, looters, soldiers of fortune, mercenaries, and free captains that share a common belligerence with the established powers of the Sector. Many pirates are runaways from the mainstream Sector society - usually oppressed by the status quo, stowaways from core worlds. Most pirate captains would hardly call themselves such, rather seeing themselves as challengers to the inept rule of of the Hegemony or the League, seeking vengeance for the wrongs caused by such a mislead society and taking what they can through cleverness and audacity. These captains can be characterized by their insatiable thirst for freedom and glory. Naturally, they give little thought to those that carry an official identification beacon, reserving their magnanimity for their fellow-travelers - other pirates.
  • Black Market: The Pirates run the Black Markets found on most worlds. If you sell a blueprint on the black market, the Pirates will start building ships with it.
  • Dangerous Deserter: Some warlords, like Kanta in the Magec system, used to be Hegemony officers, before they turned on them.
  • Rape, Pillage, and Burn: It's not uncommon for systems to come under attack from massive pirate raids, restricting trade as convoys are attacked and raided for goods. If you're unlucky, they'll attack you even if you don't have valuable cargo simply because you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • Space Pirates: Due to the lax distribution of resources throughout the sector, the pirates are more of a desperate example.

The Independents

Not a unified faction as such, the Independents are a loose category of polities and free agents unified more by a lack of association with a major faction than any shared qualities. Independent worlds and the spacers who call them home often share reputation data, trade generously among themselves, and will readily cooperate to perform short-term security and military actions to better protect what freedom they have maintained by working together. Equally likely, trust can break down, and Independents will suspiciously deny each other favors, compete viciously, and turn a blind eye to the misfortune of neighbors.
  • The Alliance: A loosely-organized version of Persean League, where their 'organization' was more of a category rather than an actual polity itself.
  • Hufflepuff House: The Independents are insignificant in terms of conflicts between major factions, especially Hegemony and Persean League. There are a few better known groups, like the Ko Combine of Agreus.
