Rivals Of Aether Custom Characters

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Zetterburn, a son of the ruling family of the Firelands, is an experienced and hardened warrior. ELEMENTAL POWERS. BURN DAMAGE - Zetterburn's special attacks can set opponents on fire, causing them additional damage over time. WILD FIRE - Zetterburn's Down Special places flames on the stage. These flames stay for a period of time, burning any opponents who come in contact with them. FIRE AMP - When an opponent is burning, Zetterburn's Strong Attacks can absorb the flames and launch the burned enemy twice as far, making for an effective killing blow.

Greetings, Xbox Fans! We’re excited to announce that Rivals of Aether is launching today on Xbox One and leaving the Xbox Game Preview program. Rivals of Aether is an indie fighting game where warring civilizations summon the power of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. After one year in the Xbox Game Preview program, it’s fully. Rivals of Aether has Steam Workshop now where you can create custom characters. It's like a dream come true for anyone whose wanted to.

Orcane is a playful trickster, notorious for escaping even the most precarious of situations. ELEMENTAL POWERS. PUDDLE TELEPORTATION - Orcane creates a puddle with his Neutral Special or Down Special. He can then teleport to his puddle using his Up Special as a powerful vertical blow or an effective recovery when launched off the stage. BUBBLE EVAPORATION - Orcane can turn his puddle into a pillar of bubbles with his Down Special to trap enemies above the puddle. WATER AMP - When standing on top of his puddle, Orcane can consume the water underneath him to perform powerful Strong Attacks with far greater range and knockback. Currently an Aerial Ace for the Air Armada, Wrastor is wrecking havoc among the Armada's enemies and generals alike.

ELEMENTAL POWERS. WINGED FLIGHT - Wrastor can jump 4 times, making him incredible at controlling the air and recovering from the toughest falls even when things look grim. WIND CURRENT - Wrastor can create a Wind Current with his Forward Special, allowing him to move faster within it and chase his targets more effectively. AERIAL ACE - Wrastor performs his charged Strong Attacks in the air instead of on the ground, a first for this genre.

Kragg is a defender of the colossal Aetherian Forest, and one of the infamous Wall Runners who patrol the Rock Wall. ELEMENTAL POWERS. ROCK HURL - Kragg can pull a rock out of the ground and hurl it at opponents. After it leaves his hands, the rock becomes a solid piece of stage that either Kragg or other players can break. DEFENSE BALL - Kragg can curl into a ball and roll toward enemies.

Although he can be damaged while in ball form, he cannot be knocked away. EARTH PILLAR - Kragg can summon a pillar of earth to his feet regardless of where he is. If Kragg is about to fall to his death, this move can quickly turn his situation around. Forsburn is the disgraced, eldest son of the Firelands' ruling family.


He was previously the Firelands' chief diplomat. ELEMENTAL POWERS. SMOKE SCREEN - Forsburn can use his Neutral Special to obscure the battlefield allowing Forsburn to remain hidden inside a cloud of smoke. DECOY - Through his Forward Special, Forsburn can create a smoke facsimile of himself that can trick opponents. The illusory Forsburn breaks into smoke after being hit by a single attack. CONSUME/COMBUST - By using his Down Special, Forsburn can consume his smoke clouds back into his body.

After consuming three clouds, Forsburn is charged up and can empower his other specials. Maypul is the self-appointed Guardian of the Aetherian Forest. She uses her agility to trap any unknown intruders before they even realize she's there. ELEMENTAL POWERS.

WATCHER'S MARK - Maypul can use her Seeds or her Watcher's Dash to mark opponents, making them susceptible to her following attacks. WRAPPED UP - After marking her targets, Maypul can use her Strong Attacks or her trusty plant Lily to wrap marked opponents in place allowing her to follow up with another attack. SLING SHOT - Maypul can use her vines to sling toward marked opponents, allowing her to elude attacks and quickly close distances. Absa is a famed engineer and secret martialist of the Elders of the Air Alliance, who live high above the cloudline in the Archai Mountains. ELEMENTAL POWERS. CLOUD CONTROL - Absa can place a cloud using her Neutral or Forward Special. This cloud hangs in the air until Absa bursts it by tapping her Neutral Special and knocking enemies away.

THUNDER BOLT - Absa can charge her Neutral Special to create a powerful lightning blast that connects her to her cloud. All opponents caught between the two will be knocked away at high speeds. CONDENSED STORM - Absa focuses the power of a lightning bolt to the tip of her hoof. If she can line up one of her aerial kicks perfectly, she unleashes great power. Etalus is a legendary warrior in his native land, the northern continent known as the Ice Barrens. ELEMENTAL POWERS. HOME ICE ADVANTAGE - Etalus can use his Forward Special or Forward Tilt to freeze the ground beneath him in order to slide across on the icy surface.

ARMORED UP - When standing on ice, Etalus can use his Neutral Special to absorb the ice and create ice armor around his body. AVALANCHE - Etalus can use his Down Special to shatter all nearby ice, instantly freezing any enemies who are standing on it.

Ranno was a feared martial artist who trained under wise monks. Now he prefers to peacefully protect his swampy homeland. ELEMENTAL POWERS. POISON STACKS - Ranno’s Specials, Strong Attacks, and Jab Combo apply up to four poisonous stacks on his opponents. TOXIC TRAP - Ranno’s Forward Special and Down Special can place his opponents in a Toxic Bubble Trap that makes it easier for Ranno to combo. POISON SPIN - Ranno’s recovery onto stage has three options. He begins it with a Poison Lunge that is quick and knocks opponents away.

After the lunge he can quickly Poison Kick down onto the stage or he can use the Posion Spin to fire out an array of Posion Darts. Battletech flashpoint. Clairen is a seasoned warrior from a distant future where the heroes of flame vanish and never return. ELEMENTAL POWERS. IONIZED TIP - Clairen can manipulate her blade to be two-toned, allowing her to stun enemies who are hit precisely with the tip. PLASMA ECHO - Clairen dashes forward with her Side Special to quickly escape. The deadly plasma resonance left behind can damage enemies and even KO opponents with its sweet spot. ENERGY FIELD - Performing a Down Special right before an attack hits Clairen will trigger her energy field.

This field damages and pushes other Rivals away while nullifying all projectiles. Sylvanos is the heart of the Aetherian Forest. This rageful deity has only a single goal - to expand the forest over all of Aether. ELEMENTAL POWERS. UNTAMED GROWTH - Sylvanos spreads grass as he runs around. He can use Down Special to call Plants Rise and damage any opponents standing on grass. SEED SHOT - Sylvanos’ Neutral Special fires a deadly seed into the air.

If it hits an opponent it will lock them in place, but if it reaches the ground it will plant a flower that maintains grass until it's destroyed. BURROW - Sylvanos can dig into solid ground and reappear by digging out from a different position. If he digs under grass he can pop out with a strong bite attack to KO enemies off the top of the screen. After her dreams of joining the Air Armada were crushed by an intolerant captain, Elliana now plans to destroy them for rejecting her. ELEMENTAL POWERS.

OVERHEAT - Elliana’s ship heats up when she uses specials or her unique double jump that allows her to hover. Once overheated she can no longer use specials or hover.

LETTING OFF STEAM - Elliana can perform Strong Attacks to expel steam from her ship, lowering her Overheat bar. When she is overheated, her strong attacks let off a powerful explosion instead that can KO opponents. ABANDON SHIP - Elliana can use her Up Special to abandon ship even when overheated. With the guide and support of Sein, Ori from joins the Rivals of Aether roster as the first guest character. ELEMENTAL POWERS. SPIRIT FLAME – Sein follows Ori around the battlefield. Ori can tap Neutral Special to have Sein quickly fire a Spirit Flame from wherever Sein is.

Ori can hold Neutral Special to have Sein use the Charged Flame. BASH – Ori can use Down Special to Bash nearly anything in Rivals of Aether – from characters to projectiles to rocks and plants. TAG TEAM – When Ori and Sein are close enough, Ori can use Strong Attacks to initiate tag team combos.

These Strong Attacks have more powerful properties as Sein assists Ori for a more devastating blow. Shovel Knight has learned a lot during his and he brings those skills with him to the Rivals of Aether roster as the second guest character. ELEMENTAL POWERS. TREASURE HUNTER – Shovel Knight’s attacks knock coins and gems out of his opponents. By taunting, he summons Chester and can use his treasure to purchase either Relics or Armors to improve his fighting ability. SHOVEL DROP – Shovel Knight’s signature ability is his Down Air in Rivals of Aether. He can bounce off players, objects, and projectiles!.

EXPERT FISHERMAN – Shovel Knight’s down special is the Fishing Rod. Use it off the side of the stage to fish up some treasure. Time it correctly and fish up a Treasure Rock, but time it perfectly and get a Golden Fish.

By George — February 11, 2018These are all of the functions you can use in your scripts. Avoid including empty scripts, since that will result in a crash when the item is loaded. If you don’t need any code for, say, the character’s death event, do not include death.gml at all or leave a comment line in it. load.gml – called right after the item is loaded into the game. This is where you would normally set sprites’ origins and bounding boxes. To help place origins correctly, use the.

colors.gml –. init.gml – called once the player object is created. This is where you want to initialize most of the player variables. otherinit.gml – called by all other players in a match that includes your character. This is where you want to initialize variables that you can change on other players. animation.gml – called every frame.

Used for animation purposes such as changing the character’s spriteindex and imageindex. predraw.gml – used to draw sprites other than the player’s sprite. Everything will be drawn behind the player character.

postdraw.gml – used to draw sprites other than the player’s sprite. Everything will be drawn in front of the player character.

otherpredraw.gml – used by opponent characters to draw sprites underneath themselves.Use otherplayerid to reference your workshop character. otherpostdraw.gml – used by opponent characters to draw sprites on top of themselves.Use otherplayerid to reference your workshop character. debugdraw.gml – used to draw debug text/sprites. Everything will be drawn in front of all game objects. drawhud.gml – used to draw on top of the player’s HUD. To get the position of the HUD, use tempx and tempy.

update.gml – called every frame. Used for gameplay mechanics. death.gml – called when the character dies. Useful for resetting variables or deleting articles. setattack.gml – called at the beginning of every attack. Used to change things like Dspecial into Dspecialair under certain conditions. attackupdate.gml – called every frame, but only if the character is performing an attack (attack type is stored inside the attack variable).

/attacks/ attackname.gml – called after init.gml. This is where you want to use the to modify and for every attack type. Note that all attack scripts should be placed inside the /attacks folder. hitplayer.gml – called when you hit another player with any hitbox.

Use hitplayerobj to reference the player object that was hit. Use hitplayer to reference which player you hit (player 1, player 2, etc). Use myhitboxID to reference the hitbox you hit them with.

To change the knockback given, edit hitplayerobj.origknock. You can disable the purple kill effect by setting hitplayerobj.shouldmakeshockwave to false. gothit.gml – called when you are hit by any hitbox. Dragomon hunter forum.

Use hitplayerobj to reference the player object that hit you. Use hitplayer to reference which player hit you (player 1, player 2, etc). Use enemyhitboxID to reference the hitbox you were hit with. To change the knockback received, edit origknock. You can disable the purple kill effect by setting shouldmakeshockwave to false. parry.gml – called when you parry a hitbox.

Use hitplayerobj to reference the player object whose hitbox you parried. Use hitplayer to reference which player owns the hitbox (player 1, player 2, etc). Use enemyhitboxID to reference the hitbox you parried. gotparried.gml – called when your hitbox is parried. Use hitplayerobj to reference the player object who parried your hitbox. Use hitplayer to reference which player parried your hitbox (player 1, player 2, etc). Use myhitboxID to reference the hitbox that was parried.

article indexinit.gml – called once the specified custom object is created. For solid and platform articles, use articlesolidinit.gml and articleplatforminit.gml. article indexupdate.gml – called every frame for the specified custom object.

For solid and platform articles, use articlesolidupdate.gml and articleplatformupdate.gml. hitboxinit.gml – called when one of the character’s hitboxes is created.

This script is called from the perspective of the. hitboxupdate.gml – called every frame for each of the character’s hitboxes. This script is called from the perspective of the. aiinit.gml – called when a CPU version of the character is created.

This script should populate the with. FarupattacksfardownattacksfarsideattacksmidsideattackscloseupattacksclosedownattacksclosesideattacksneutralattacksThe arrays can be any size.

Each entry in the array has the same probability of being selected. The entries in the arrays should only be the default attacks values – ATDSPECIALAIR is not valid, for instance, and should just be ATDSPECIAL. aiupdate.gml – called every frame for a CPU version of the character.

Used for special cases like recovery and complex special moves. Use aitarget to reference the player object the CPU is currently targeting. Use airecovering to check if the CPU is recovering or not.

Use templevel to reference the CPU’s difficulty level ( 1-9).Categories:Comments: 22.