Alchemy Wow Classic

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Alchemy is one of several crafting professions you can choose within WoW Classic! It concerns the creation of potions and elixirs, which will provide you. Check out the best Alchemy Guide 1-300 for Vanilla / Classic WoW. Best tips for leveling very fast your Alchemy profession and earn a lot of gold as much as possible! Check out the best Alchemy Guide 1-300 for Vanilla / Classic WoW. Best tips for leveling very fast.

Picking out the correct class in WoW: Classic can lead to some interesting choices. But once you’re out in the world, leveling up and starting to get the hang of things, you need to figure what you want to do beyond your class. Finding the right class is essential, but knowing what profession you want to have on your character is equally important. Professions are what allow players to create armor, weapons, consumables, and several other items they and other players can use in the game. Here are some of the better choices for professions, based on your WoW: Classic class. The Best Professions for Each Class in WoW: Classic WarriorsIf you’re going damage or tank based, you’re going to want to pick up engineering. Several of the items you’re going to have the opportunity to craft are viable in PvP and PvE situations.


A handful of the gadgets are going to increase the amount of damage you and your party do, do straight damage to your enemies, or they’re going to stun your foes. They all provide you with enough opportunity to mess up an enemy team or a robust, single target. Regardless of the route, you take your warrior, engineering, the Gnomish option, is going to make your foes think twice about fighting you.For those who would prefer to make armor and weapons to use, the mining and blacksmithing professions are always an ideal option.

PaladinsPaladins operate on the same spectrum as Warriors in regards to engineering, mining, and blacksmithing. All three profession routes are great options for them. They’re likely going to be the group’s main tank or apart of the action, at the front lines. You want to be the center of the fight as much as possible, and engineering makes it a viable option for anyone looking to stand above a casual player. For those who want to learn more towards healing, Herbalism and alchemy are ideal choices. You can pick up herbs to turn them into useful consumables you and your entire party can use to keep going in a fight.

Druids and ShamansAgain, acting as a tank? You’re going to want the engineering profession. The skills provided by this tree are essential for anyone looking to turn the tide of combat for their side.

Opponents are likely to choose this option, given the need for it in the middle of a fight. Not only can you use engineering to stun, do damage, or cause trouble, but you can use it to reflect spells with the different kind of reflectors available.Much like the Paladin who wants to heal, though, you’re going to want to choose herbalism and alchemy when you want to focus on keeping your team alive. These consumables are essential for groups interested in taking on the stronger raids in WoW: Classic or are interested in competitively PvPing. Unlike other classes, the Druid can pick up herbs while still in the travel form, making it a bit easier of a task while wandering around. However, the Shaman benefits from these options as well, making the two quite similar in choices. HuntersHunters are excellent fighters when it comes to taking down some of the extraordinary beasts in the game. Because of this, they’re going to be great at grabbing the skinning and leatherworking professions.

Skinning makes sense for the hunter as they’re likely going to want to go out of their way to find new beasts to capture, and the leatherworking lets them make the armor they’re going to wear. Additionally, they can turn several of the early game, powerful beasts into great armor sets they can wear or sell to others.

RoguesRogues get a unique profession at level 20 in the game, called Poisons. This option is going to heavily lean on for them to focus on because it’s going to make several of their attacks far more powerful, and the effects of those attacks lasting, and painful. You can apply these poisons to your weapons for your enemies to know you’re nearby but are unable to do anything. As for alternative professions, engineering is always an excellent option, or you can go one of the gathering professions such as herbalism, mining, or skinning to give to your friends or sell on the market.

Mages and WarlocksThese two are some of the best classes to couple with the Tailoring ability. Not only do they rely on it for their clothing and armor to wear in combat, but they’re also going to have specific items for the tree. Plus, they can farm and acquire cloth exceptionally quickly. They can kill multiple enemies at once at quick rates, making them ideal to gather up the clothing materials they need far faster than other classes can do it.

Enchanting is also a perfect option, given how it works well with tailors. PriestThe final class to discuss is Priest. A priest has a wide variety of choices for them, given their versatility. An ideal combination is pairing tailoring with enchanting. Going down this option means Priests do not need to rely on other players to modify or enhance their gear while they go out adventuring. Instead, they can pick up the smaller, unwanted items for themselves and make as many different kinds of clothing as they need. Plus, they can go out and sell it to the marketplace whenever they need it.The other option is to go with the Alchemy and Herbalism route.


Those are going to do more healing than deal out damage are going to find it a great choice to keep their party members alive.

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Duck hunting chat forums. Reposts; Intentional Misinformation; Troll Posts; Google-able questions; Reaction gifs; Polls; etc. See the for details.Flair your posts correctly. Un-flaired posts will be removed by our AutoMod.Weekly Threads.Related subredditsis everything you'd ever want from WoW related news to current WoW affairs.for anything related to WoW lore including current and old. Hey, OP: I think this is the third one of these videos I've seen from you, but I notice that you don't actually answer the question in your video titles.

Sure, the spreadsheet is helpful, but the video is basically just a list of trainers and craftable items. You don't actually explain why somebody would choose the profession, instead of simply buying the items.For example, you mention that the mageblood potion is used by.and then you list a bunch of classes.

But at no point do you mention that the recipe for that potion requires revered with the Zandalar, so if you want to be able to make that potion your alchemist will have to be regular raider, not an alt. That's important information that you don't mention. Whereas you do spend a bunch of time simply listing off transmute recipes for things that are easily farmable.

Yes, alchemists can transmute iron to gold.but nobody's going to choose alchemy because of that. You're just giving us lists.Or, another mention the possibility of pairing alchemy with enchanting in order to be a 'one stop shop' and you mention transmute recipes that require Timbermaw and Argent Dawn rep, but you neglect to mention that the Argent Dawn have an important healing enchant recipe that requires revered. So if you're a raid healer and combine alchemy with enchanting, that means only having to farm Argent Dawn rep on one character, rep that a raiding character has to have anyway to be able to enter Naxx, rather than putting those professions on different characters and being stuck doing the reputation grind twice. But then on the other hand, that Argent Dawn transmute isn't a very important one, whereas the Transmute Arcanite recipe, which you mention is a very important money maker, is simply store-bought, and requires no rep grind or raiding at all, which means that if you want alchemy primarily for transmutes, it suddenly becomes much less important that it be your main who has alchemy.That's the kind of thing I'd like to see in these videos, not simple lists of trainers and recipes that can easily be found on a wiki. First off I'd like to thank you for pointing this out. To answer your statement about not answering the question I pose with the thumbnail.

To me there isnt really a definitive answer I can give you as to why you would choose alchemy over another profession due to my extreme lack of in game knowledge so when I decided on this name for the series i determined the best way that i could answer the question for the viewer was to list the best things the profession could craft, but then the video would be 2 minutes long and while a short video is fine with me i figured that providing more information about the profession would be advantageous. My angle is to provide the viewer with an extremely broad but shallow outline of the profession and let them answer the question by themselves but now knowing what the profession can do. This makes the title misleading in a way and I understand the confusion and irritation that can cause.For your second point about the Mageblood potion. I honestly never considered the use of alts while making these videos, I knew that people use them but I never thought of adding information to forewarn people about rep requirements that would be useful to know with alts. I apologise for this and will make sure I add information like this in future videos, thank you again for pointing this out.For the third point.

I make these videos about one profession and I try to use a pin point lense and take great pain to not cover anything that isnt included in this profession, while mentioning useful secondary professions I just list them and provide little to no information about them at all. I gather all my information from wiki's and sometimes other players if I can find someone I can trust and that sometimes makes me miss large chunks of information that might be useful. I work a full time job and go to college Monday - Thursday, I try not to rush so I can get my information right but I also need to play it safe and that's why these videos are made the way they are.I will do my best to change my videos for the better thanks to this feedback and I thank you again for posting this.

I'm sorry if I missed something in this post I'm with my mother celebrating mothers day and I'm using my phone to reply so I'm replying by memory. But nowadays people can do MC and BWL without any Pots, so Alchemy isn't that big of a deal.This is so factually wrong man.YES they CAN do it, but trust me, raiders are popping consumables like fucking CANDY nowadays. We're talking PREPOP fireprotection and then immediately popping a 2nd, on a regular RAG fight most raiders will pop THREE of them.