Fantasy War Tactics Tier List

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Which is the best Warhammer Fantasy army? Check this tier list. They can win tournaments but have a limited range of viable tactics, lack super powerful and underpriced units. Two war shrines, big blocks of Marauders with great weapons and mark of Khorne, Warriors or Chosen with Halberds and Shields, magic items that screw around with.

What is The Best Warframe?With 40 Warframes, it’s sometimes difficult to pick the right one. You want to build Oberon, but you don’t have enough platinum or Warframe slots; I’ve been there.

Who do you level to 30 and sell?Because there are so many Warframes, and each one has 4 unique abilities, it can be hard to rank them too. Ember’s abilities are completely different than Mirage’s abilities, making it hard to compare the two.Warframe has thousands of players, and everyone has own personal favorite. Player lists are often subjective, based off who they like to play.

Below is a tier list for all 40 Warframes, ranked as objectively as possible.The Tiers are classified by when you can use the Warframe, as well as how good their abilities are and overall damage.The categories below aren’t in a specific order, but later is a ranking from weakest to strongest from Tiers S and A. S TierThese Warframes are the best of the best. All four abilities are fantastic, and they are great for higher level missions. Some of them specialize in defense or offense, but overall, they can do pretty much anything with the right build. Inaros. Chroma. Zephyr.

Ivara. Mesa. Octavia. TrinityA TierThese Warframes are just below S Tier. They can be used for a wide variety of content and all their abilities are great. They aren’t quite S Tier yet though because of either 1) damage 2) health/recovery or 3) armor/shield.

They are all still good choices though, so definitely try to build a few (or all). Excalibur. Gara. Mirage. Nekros. Rhino. Wisp.

Equinox. NidusB TierThese Warframes usually specialize in one thing (like stealth) or are averagely good at everything. Like C Tier, some are not the best choice for high level missions or missions with one target (assassinations and Eidolon Hunts). Frost. Valkyr.

Volt. Banshee. Khora. Revenant. Baruuk. Hydroid. Garuda.

Nova. Harrow. Hildryn.

Saryn. AshC TierThe Warframes below aren’t necessarily the worst, but they can’t really be used in a wide variety of situations.

These Warframes also aren’t very suitable for high level missions; their abilities are not strong enough. It’s important to know that Wukong’s rework just came out, so it’s hard to rank him just yet. His abilities have changed, and through personal experience playing as him, he has improved. Nyx. Wukong.

Nezha. Titania. Ember. Vauban. Mag. Loki.

Oberon. Atlas. LimboZephyr (S-Tier)This is Zephyr, light, yet deceivingly lethal. Zephyr brings graceful destruction to the battlefield. Look up, Tenno.Zephyr is the center of many ‘best Warframe’ debates. Some players think she isn’t that great, while others praise her and think she’s great if you put the time (and forma) into her.

Her abilities don’t focus on direct damage, they focus on survival and mobility. With strong melee and primary weapons, Zephyr can plow her way through Sorties.Stats (Rank 30):. 450 Health. 450 Shield.

15 Armor. 150 EnergyWhat’s Good About Zephyr:. Can stay airborne for longer than others, and falls slower to ground (you can avoid hard falls). Higher Shield and Heath than average.

Turbulence ability redirects all bullets and projectiles. When Tornados (ability) are shot, the bullets will be distributed to all nearby enemiesAll of Zephyr’s blueprints can be researched in the Tenno Lab of your dojo.Rating: 82/100 Trinity (S-Tier)This is Trinity, the healer, the equalizer. Trinity is a must for any high-stakes mission. She'll save your life, Tenno.Trinity is the ultimate healer of all Warframes.

All her abilities function as support to allies, restoring health, energy, and shields. If you are planning on doing high rank missions with others, it is essential that you make Trinity. Her parts are difficult to get because of a low drop rate, but Trinity is definitely worth it.Stats (Rank 30):. 300 Health. 300 Shield.

15 Armor. 225 EnergyWhat’s Good About Trinity:.

Can revive enemies faster and from farther away. The best support Warframe. Blessing ability can instantly restore up to 80% shields and health of all allies.

Health restoration abilities can basically make her invincible for periods of timeYou can buy Trinity’s main blueprint from the market. Her chassis, neuroptics, and systems have a 22-40% chance of dropping from Ambulas on Pluto.Rating: 85/100 Ivara (S-Tier)This is Ivara, the huntress, the thief. Don't roam around the forest looking for a fight, Tenno. Ivara is always on guard.Ivara is one of the few Warframes that comes equipped with an Exalted Weapon; the Artemis Bow. She is the master of stealth, with an ability that makes her invisible.

Ivara can be built for stealth, but her bow can become deadly with the right build too.Stats (rank 30):. 225 Health. 300 Shield. 65 Armor. 262 EnergyWhat’s Good About Ivara:. Innate enemy radar of 20 meters. Prowl ability to become invisible.

Makes any level Spy missions incredibly easy. Great for soloing Sorties (especially Spy Sorties)All Ivara blueprints are acquired from Spy missions. To have a chance of a blueprint dropping, you must complete all data extractions. Different blueprints drop depending on the level of the spy mission. See video link for specifics.Rating: 85/100 Chroma (S-Tier)This is Chroma, an ancient legend, master of the elements. When all the land is in ruins, Tenno, only Chroma will remain.Chroma is a tank. His ability Vex Armor can boost his armor and damage to insane levels in addition to his existing armor at 350.

Chroma’s abilities focus on buffing himself and his allies, making him excellent for Eidolon Hunts. Chroma also has the unique passive ability of changing what his abilities do based on the color of his energy.Stats (Rank 30):.

300 Health. 300 Shield. 350 Armor. 225 EnergyWhat’s Good About Chroma:. Elemental Ward ability buffs allies depending on energy color.

Can do Heat, Electric, Toxin, or Cold damage depending on energy color. Many players first choice for Eidolon Hunting. Vex Armor ability increases armor is shields are hit and weapon damage if health takes a hitChroma’s main blueprint can be obtained through The New Strange quest. His neuroptics, chassis, and systems can be gotten at Uranus Junction, Neptune Junction, and Pluto Junction, respectively.Rating: 87/100 Mesa (S-Tier)This is Mesa, the vagabond, the outcast. Do you feel lucky, Tenno? Mesa's got the fastest guns in the stars.Mesa is the Cowgirl of Warframes, taking 3rd place with her deadly Exalted Pistols. Mesa’s abilities are the best for targeting a single enemy.

Without buffs, her guns are already incredibly strong, and can become way stronger. This is good for assassinations and Sorties, or even high-level missions with strong enemies.Stats (Rank 30):. 375 Health. 225 Shield.

56 Armor. 150 EnergyWhat’s Good About Mesa:. Health bonus (50) when no melee weapon equipped. Faster fire rate and reload speed for all secondary weapons. Shooting Gallery buffs allies and jams the guns of nearby enemies.

Peacemaker ability draws pistols, doing a crazy amount of damage to enemiesYou can buy Mesa’s main blueprint off the market. Her chassis, neuroptics, and systems have a 20-40% chance of dropping from Mutalist Alad V on Eris.Rating: 90/100 Octavia (S-Tier)This is Octavia, the melodic, the maestro. If music be the food of death.

Play on, Tenno.Octavia is themed around music, and her abilities make her one of the most fun Warframes to play. Octavia has access to the Mandachord, a unique song that can be customized, and plays in the background of the mission.

With the number of players getting more and more choices in using their 3*, sometimes it can get confusing on who to level and upgrade first, especially when food can get scarce when you try to . We have put together a “tier” list to help you make that decision. You generally should not spend resources on 2* units at all in the game.

The stats are listed as Attack/Defense/Health. Tier 2 units are only listed in name and basic Adrenaline Rush information.

Damage Dealer DPS
Team Buffer

You generally want to level at least 1 tier 1 star to max to handle the harder human stages later on in the game. These tier 1 healers restore considerably more HP than the low tier counter parts. Tier

Tier 1 Healer:

Dr. Stevens (Fast)
AR: All teammates regain 60% of their max HP.
Max Stat: 494/484/780

Dale (Alert)
AR:All teammates regain 60% of their Max HP and recover from Attack Penalties, Defense Penalties and Impair.
Max Stat: 529/454/773

Rick (Miles behind us) (Alert)
AR: All teammates regain 40% of their max HP and get +80% DEF for 2 turns.
Max Stat: 519/524/736

Tier 2 Healer:
(25% HP + 10% Def for 2 turns)

(20% HP + 15 Attack for 2 turns)

(1 Team mate +75% HP)

(+30% HP)

(+25% HP +10% Defense for 2 turns)

You generally want to level up as many damage dealer as you can. It is usually better to focus on either melee only or range only first to take advantage of the battle items. Most of the battle items buff either melee or ranged units. Units that deal multiple damage is better than single target in raids.

Tier 1 DPS:

Shane (Miles Behind Us)
Deals 350% damage to one enemy.

Mitchell Jr. Strong (Strong)
Deal 250% Damage and Stun 1 Enemy for 1 Turn

Andrea (Made to Suffer) (Tough)
Deal 350% Damage

Michonne (The Best Defense) (Strong)
Deal 350% Damage, All Teammates +50% Attack for 1 Turn

Axel (Fast)
Deal 180% Damage and -20% Attack for 4 turns to 1 enemy and all adjacent

Eugene (Here We Remain)
(Deal 170% Damage and -20% Defense for 3 Turns to 1 Enemy and all adjacent)

Holly (Fast)
(Deal 280% Damage & Impair for 1 turn for 1 enemy and all adjacent)

Sandy (Alert)
(Deal 200% Damage to up to 3 different enemies)

Tier 2 DPS:
(Deals 200% to one enemy, stun for 1 turn if enemy is soldier)

(Deals 200% Fast Trait Damage, Stun for 1 Turn)

(Deal 200% Damage)

Fantasy War Tactics Tier List

(Deal 200% Damage)

Tier 3 DPS:
(Deals Critical Damage)
Note: This unit “maybe” useful for walker stages, but its high AR gauge still makes it a bad unit to use.

(Deals AoE 30% Damage and -20% attack for 3 turns)

(Deals 150% Damage and Cause 50 Bleed for 4 turns)

(Deals 150% Damage and Cause 40 Bleed damage for 5 turns)

(Deals 125% Damage and Cause 50 Bleed damage for 3 turns)

(Deals 170% Damage and cause 30 Bleed damage for 5 turns)

(Deals 25% damage and -25% defense for 3 turns to a group of enemies)

In terms of buffers in the 3* pool, they are more or less roughly equal. However, Heath may be a decent choice for you to survive through harder human missions because it offers higher number of buffed turns.

Lilly (Tough)
30% Attack and 30% Defense for 2 Turns

Doug (Fast)
30% Attack and 30% Defense for 2 Turns

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Glenn (Fast)
30% Attack and 30% Defense for 2 Turns

Heath (Alert)
35% Defense for 4 Turns