Exploration Meaning

admin  27.02.2020  No Commentson Exploration Meaning

Examples of exploration in a Sentence

Exploration definition is - the act or an instance of exploring. How to use exploration in a sentence.

  1. Charles Whall:

    Anyone who doesn't think consolidation is going to happen must be mad, the exploration performance of these companies has been woeful. They have to replace reserves, and they're not doing that organically so they need to do it inorganically. But all we have seen are disposals.

  2. Lopez Obrador:

    The objective is that we stop buying foreign gasoline by the half way point of my six-year term, we are going to immediately revive our oil activity, exploration and the drilling of wells so we have crude oil.

  3. Michael Gunner:

    The moratorium on fracking in the Northern Territory will be lifted, with strict new laws to be in place before exploration or production can occur.

  4. Tom Hoefer:

    It's worrisome, exploration is the lifeblood of mining.

  5. Ron Ness:

    Time travelers program. Space empires iv manual. This is just an effort on OPEC's part to see if they can outlast shale oil exploration and production in the United States, it's a strong signal back to Congress that it needs to find a way to get that crude oil export ban eliminated.


mass noun
  • 1The action of exploring an unfamiliar area.

    count noun‘an exploration of the African interior’
    • ‘Demonstrations and exhibits, many of them interactive, will cover aspects on space, space travel and exploration.’
    • ‘In fact, one of the goals of the space society's event was to increase awareness of Canada's role in space exploration.’
    • ‘Its mandate is sweeping to set the agenda for space exploration well into the 21st century.’
    • ‘There is, of course, one fly in the ointment, and that is the fact that space exploration costs money.’
    • ‘Aren't you fascinated to know what the President is going to say about space exploration next week?’
    • ‘The aim is to pay more attention to the human factor of space exploration.’
    • ‘The beauty, the mystery, the danger, and the drama will always be a part of space exploration.’
    • ‘Why not put space exploration on the back burner until we have solved more problems here where real life is?’
    • ‘It is the writers of science fiction who have ventured to show us what the possibilities of space exploration might be like.’
    • ‘What's ahead for the beleaguered agency and manned exploration of space in general?’
    • ‘Now tourism is just one of several new possibilities emerging in space exploration.’
    • ‘I want them to know not only the history of space exploration, but the future of it as well.’
    • ‘As a byproduct, space exploration provides us with expensive toys that are not designed for killing each other.’
    • ‘The mission to Titan has kicked off one of the most exciting years for space exploration in more than a quarter of a century.’
    • ‘The political impetus to push deep space exploration forward has essentially dissipated.’
    • ‘He has been profiled everywhere, his name now synonymous in Britain with space exploration.’
    • ‘In September 1699 he sailed again making a thorough exploration of the Atlantic shores.’
    • ‘Trying to find alien life and a thorough exploration of Mars would be both popular and interesting goals.’
    • ‘He feels that India is equipped to take the lead in ocean exploration and research.’
    • ‘I sent out my 5 pods, each containing a satellite and a probe for surface exploration.’
    investigation, study, survey, research, search, inspection, probe, examination, inquiry, scrutiny, observation
    expedition, trip, tour, journey, voyage, odyssey, safari, trek, hike
    View synonyms
    1. 1.1The action of searching an area for natural resources.
      • ‘They have granted licenses for the two energy companies to engage in oil and natural gas exploration.’
      • ‘Collecting and making sense of this data is an important part of oil and gas exploration.’
      • ‘Large sections of public land will be opened to natural gas exploration and production.’
      • ‘The land claim has become a second line of defense against oil and gas exploration in this region.’
      • ‘Hence, this technology can be used in routine exploration for natural resources and in environmental investigations.’
      • ‘The exploration for oil and gas along the Namibian coast continues.’
      • ‘Our largest sector in geoscience knowledge generation, by far, is exploration for oil and gas.’
      • ‘It is clear, and I think most parties will agree, that investment in gas exploration is expensive and risky.’
      • ‘Another core area is oil and gas - not only the area of exploration; the whole business is going to be opened up.’
      • ‘Whether the block contains any natural gas or oil requires actual exploration.’
      • ‘Oil exploration is a risky, but potentially highly rewarding, investment option.’
      • ‘He called on the Government to help foster more gas exploration.’
      • ‘The deal is expected to more than treble its production next year, creating enhanced cashflow to fund exploration in other oil provinces.’
      • ‘He had inherited a fortune from the family business of making drills for oil exploration, then dominated Hollywood as a film director.’
      • ‘The vast majority are aid workers, and the rest are mainly involved in oil exploration, although there may also be a few tourists.’
      • ‘The allocation of blocks of the North Sea for oil exploration and extraction requires formal organization.’
      • ‘It would also specifically allow oil exploration on the coastal plain of the Arctic reserve in the north of Alaska.’
      • ‘Advocates believe energy exploration and environmental conservation can coexist.’
      • ‘The energy needed for exploration and mine development has to be generated from costly oil and gas.’
      • ‘This is followed by a major section that reviews the history of exploration and mining in the district.’
      investigation, study, survey, research, search, inspection, probe, examination, inquiry, scrutiny, observation
      View synonyms
  • 2Thorough examination of a subject.

    ‘some changes in the care-giving situation may need exploration’
    count noun‘an exploration of society and human nature’
    • ‘Future research may include a more thorough exploration of these observations.’
    • ‘He then set about a thorough and painstaking exploration of what an orchestral work of the late 20th century might be.’
    • ‘At the same, this is a film of emotional depth, humour and intelligent exploration of its subject.’
    • ‘That had been the subject of factual exploration and is well covered by findings of fact.’
    • ‘Subsequently, it invites peer review and involves exploration of student learning.’
    • ‘I personally look forward to his future explorations on the subject.’
    • ‘It's one of the best and most immersive explorations of the subjects that I've been involved with…’
    • ‘It is a structure which is perfect for a linear exploration of a subject - in this case, the rise and rise of Frank Gehry.’
    • ‘However far you go in the exploration of this subject, you can be certain that there will be things around the corner waiting to surprise you.’
    • ‘He breaks away from standard realism into an exploration of the subject matter.’
    • ‘From Descartes onward, the Enlightenment was also concerned with an exploration of the individual subject.’
    • ‘As a result the book is more a scrap-book of his personal reflections than a thorough exploration of the concept of community.’
    • ‘Their knowledge and experiences can only add to the validity of the text in providing a thorough exploration of desistance.’
    • ‘We brought to this exploration our prior study of relevant issues in our individual research.’
    • ‘He was told that the study's exploration of options amounted to planning for failure.’
    • ‘The only remedy for this, of course, is passionate exploration and in-depth study!’
    • ‘There must be complex mental health issues which need exploration and analysis.’
    • ‘A period of exploration and study about ideas new to organizational life began.’
    • ‘Further exploration should not be limited to examining practices within pharmacy alone.’
    • ‘Research into retention is an important area for further exploration and analysis.’
    investigation, study, survey, research, search, inspection, probe, examination, inquiry, scrutiny, observation
    View synonyms
When did the age of exploration begin


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