Space Empires Iv Manual

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I've built 3 ring worlds in my current game, and have 4+ more that I plan to make sphere worlds. That's unusual, so I thought I'd document it here.


Here’s the problems to solve:1 - ring world takes a long time to reach in the research tree2 - building a ring world costs a lot of resources3 - the components are so large they only fit on an immobile starbase4 - starbases have to be built in place by space shipyards5 - ring world placement generator would take almost 40 turns to build6 - you want a colony ship nearby so you colonize the new ring world firstBefore getting anywhere, you will need both research and resources. The ring world placement generator is part of the “stellar manipulation” research area. Just in terms of research points, it can be very expensive to research. Once you have the technology, the cost is expensive for two reasons: construction takes over 10 turns with many ships involved, and the ring world placement generator requires a resource-intensive trick to avoid taking 40 turns to complete. I normally have storage reserves of 400k minerals and 100k of organics and radioactives before I attempt a ring world.The biggest trick is speeding up the ring world platement generator. Space Empires allows retrofitting if the target ship is less than 50% more in total cost compared to the existing ship. The game only uses total resources, so a ship costing 20k minerals can be retrofitted into a ship costing 20k organics.

This “total resources less than 150% of the current ship” rule will be the main limitation on reaching the ring world generator faster.I work backwards from the ring world generator. Note that “MC” is master computer III here, and “SB” is star base, “PhS” is phased shields level V.ring world: SB with 1 MC and 1 ring world platement generator. Cluster truck online poki. Costs 57k / 51k / 51k.retrofit t - 1: SB with 18 MCretrofit t - 2: SB with 13 MCretrofit t - 3: SB with 9 MCretrofit t - 4: SB with 6 MC, 3 PhSretrofit t - 5: SB with 4 MC, 3 PhSretrofit t - 6: SB with 3 MCretrofit t - 7: SB with 2 MC, 1 PhSEach step up is within 150% of the prior step. The final 2 upgrades cost about 106k minerals if I recall correctly.

With this setup, if you’re able to build a “retrofit t - 7” star base, you can retrofit it to a “t - 6”, then a “t - 5”, etc finally “t -1”, and the ring world. It is very easy to mess up, even if you know the calculations - for example, forgetting the cost of the SB and thinking you can take 1/3rd of the components away. So it’s probably better to use the above list for the first time, and experiment later if you like.Besides the ring world, you’re going to need:5x SB with MC, hyper-density cables5x SB with MC, planetary gravity platesHaving an ingredients list is a good start, but how do you put 11 expensive starbases in the same sector as a star?I use two more designs, one mobile and one not, to complete this part. A space yard is the largest non-stellar manipulation component at 400k of space. You also need engines and control, so typically a 600k (battle cruiser?) or 800k (battleship) is best. American sniper assassin games.

Just design the ship normally. Maybe master computer and engines, add a solar sail for extra speed, and make sure you give it some supply (quantum or solar panel, either will be enough).

Finally, to this “mobile builder” add the space yard to the design.It would be annoying to get 11 mobile builders to one spot, so I use an easier approach that takes a little extra time. I only build 4-6 mobile builders, and they build the next stage of builders. This next stage is small 500k space stations with vehicle control and a space yard, and nothing else. Now all the ingredients of a ring world are ready.First, build 4 battleship sized ships with space yards, and send them over a star.

Space Empires is a game in the finest tradition of 4X space games - eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. Each player builds up a space empire and uses it to conquer the other players. Exploration on the mounted map is simple for players (and dangerous for their ships), revealing different space terrain that affects movement and combat. 2017-5-11  Support Ships. Some examples of useful types of support ships are: 'tankers' with lots of supply storage and supply generation components, 'tenders' with Repair Bays or Space Yard components, and 'point-defense ships' with lots of Point - Defense Cannons and at.

Each of those mobile builders is ordered to build immobile builders. I typically find you can set “emergency build” rate, and add 3 immobile builders to the build queue of the 4 mobile builders. After 9 turns, you’ll have a dozen immobile builders.Mistakes are easy, so I rename the new immobile builders to signify what they’re doing:“cable builder 01”“cable builder 02”“cable builder 05”“plate builder 01”“plate builder 05”“ring world builder”Add plate and cable starbases to the appropriate build queue. But for the ring world builder, add “retro t - 7” (designed up above) to it’s build queue. I like to click “emergency build” to speed up the build process on every one of these builders.Note with a dozen builders, you’ll have one left over as a spare. Hopefully it’s not needed, but sometimes things go wrong with construction. It can also be nice to have a space yard over a newly built ring world.Now 11 builders are working at emergency build rates on the parts for a ring world.

Space Empires Iv Manual

They’re probably using up about 2.3k of each resource, each. So roughly 25k minerals, organics and radioactives each turn to construct, and a much smaller number in maintenance costs. If it takes 8 turns of building, that’s about 200k resources. Hopefully your empire’s production can sustain this, or you have enough resources stored up to get through it.The worst case is running out of resources. The builders are in emergency build mode, and putting their queue on hold may push them over their 10 turn limit on emergency build mode.

Running low on resources could make the project take much longer.Now, maybe 8 turns later, you have 11 components sitting in the same space as a star. Don’t scrap those builders yet - you need at least one left over. Retrofit the “retrofit t - 7” star base into a “retrofit t - 6” star base. The same turn, do it again from “t - 6” into “t - 5”. Keep retrofitting until you retrofit from “t - 1” into the “ring world” star base. Retrofitting leaves the component in need of repair, so you need to wait one more turn for the immobile space yard to repair the ring world placement generator.Now, finally, you should have 11 star bases ready to create a ring world. I usually forget to build a colony ship until this point, but you’ll need one.

The ring world will become a newly created planet in need of colonizing. Select the “ring world” starbase, and in the menu should be a big stretched star looking icon called “stellar manipulation”. Click on it to bring up the construction menu where you’ll select “ring world”. Your 11 star bases with plates, cables and ring world generator will be consumed. The star will be replaced with a thin ring-like object with a small shiny star in the middle. That's a new ring world!Once you colonize it, you'll see that ring worlds are huge.

They fit 100 components and 32,000 million population. The conditions are optimal, and planet value starts at 150% for each of minerals, organics, and radioactives.

If you built a mineral miner every turn, it will take 100 turns to fill up a ring world.