Cities Xl 2012 Download

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9/10 - Download Cities XL Free. In Cities XL you will be able to use all the resources at your disposal to create a prosperous city. Download Cities XL and compete with your great city. City Life and Sim City have been two of the most played games by those users that like to build and manage.


Cities XXL was released in 2015 and is a sequel to Cities XL Platinum. If you love city building games, then you must already know about this series. Cities XXL received a lot of bad reviews when it was release. XXL is nothing different than the Cities XL Platinum that was released in 2013. It fixed some of the bugs and added some new buildings and was sold separately as a new title. This is what pissed all the players. This should have been a free update or a DLC release, instead they made it into a new title. Fortunately, you can get full version of Cities XXL free download for PC from the following link.

Use This Link for Downloading

Cities XXL PC Download Free Full Version

If you want a city building title that is far superior to this, then look at Cities Skylines download for PC for free here.

Ever since EA released a new version of SimCity title, the interest for city building titles has returned. To ride on this new popularity trend, developers Focus Home Interactive brought this new version to their series. Also released was another titles name Cities Skylines at the same time by another developer. Both of which are not related to each other but share almost the same name. This made a really bad impression already with the fans. You can get Cities XXL download for free from this page and see if its anything like Skylines.

The original Cities Xl was one of the worst launches in the series for the developers. They had almost all the reviews on steam in the negative and all the fans and players were pissed by the performance issues even on the high end PC’s. Instead of releasing updates and fixes for the mess they created, the developers went ahead and fixed all the issues and released this Cities XXL download for PC as a new title which everyone had to buy all over again, even those who had bought the last version. This was in bad faith and everyone criticized in heavily.

Cities XXL PC Download Free

Cities Xl 2012 Download

SimCity when it was released people got excited but the excitement faded when they realized that the cities were restricted causing people to look for alternatives. That is when Cities XL and Cities Skylines were released without those restrictions. But where the Skylines excelled in all the things Cities XL failed miserably because of bugs, performance issues and the lack of developer support to fix the aforementioned issues. The frustration turned into anger when the developers released a version of the game fully fixed as a new game instead of an update. But you can download Cities XXL free for PC from the link given on this page and don’t have to worry about it.

Even though they tried to fix all the issues with Cities XXL, there are plenty of other issues starting from the interface itself. They did not even bother to fix minor issues that are glaringly obvious. This shows that the developer was actively looking to fix and this raised red flags for the future. The visuals are not of the modern times but they are good enough to keep pace with the likes of Skylines. The details that you can view if you zoom all the way in and use a first person view is really good. Take a look at that when you have Cities XXL PC download for free from this page.

Cities XXL is good but the implementation of the systems is where it failed. Presentation is a big part that needs to be focused on and that is what the developers have ignored. Small things like how people of the city are feeling are not represented very efficiently. The performance issues are still present. Create a city and grow it for some hours and you will start noticing lag, even on a PC that is high end. These issues have marred what should have been a wonderful experience. If you still want to try it out, then we have Cities XXL free download for PC on this page.


With all the issues that the fan had because of the release of Cities XXL as a standalone new games, you don’t have to worry about those because you are getting full version Cities XXL free for PC. If you have not played the previous versions, then you can have fun with this release. The only issues that you need to worry about are the ones related performance after you have created a city large enough to cause problems. Other bugs and lack of polish and ignorance on the part of the creators to fix issues as simple as centered text keep this from being a competitor for Cities Skylines.

There are plenty of other city building games that you can enjoy more than this title. You can find the links for those here. There is Anno 2205 download, then you can look at Tropic 5 download which gives you the complete collection with all DLCs and updates and finally, you can download Frostpunk for free for PC, the new city builder that everyone is impressed with and is interested in playing.

Downloading and Installing

Get uTorrent and open one of the links from t links page and get the ISO file from there. Open that ISO file using PowerISO or Daemon Tools. That gives you the DVD of Cities XXL PC download for free. Start installation from that DVD. You can follow the install instructions given in the first comment below to play.

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